You can now register with your payment card to automatically earn points when you experience Devonshire Hotels & Restaurants.
As a loyal guest, we’ll keep you updated with exclusive member privileges and special offers.
Once you have earned a sufficient points balance, redeem them for a range of Devonshire Rewards vouchers.
To earn points please present your rewards card or pay with your registered payment card. Every time you enjoy an experience at any of the hotels, inns, restaurants or Boltholes across the Devonshire Hotels collection, you can earn points to redeem a variety of vouchers towards a future experience.
You can redeem your points earned using this website in exchange for a selection of Devonshire Rewards vouchers. Your voucher code will be delivered by email directly to your registered email address and stored on your account. A member of our team will simply scan your voucher bar code and deduct the value from your final bill.